Meet Our Team

When you partner with On The Mark Strategies, our team becomes an extension of your team. And just like anyone you bring on board the traditional way, you likely want to know exactly who you’re working with. We’re a 13-person team with more than 100 collective years as financial organization C-suite executives, loan officers, marketing directors and tellers.

Today we spend our time helping heroes like you grow their financial organizations and their impact. Click below to see how each of these team members is uniquely equipped to serve you.

Mark Arnold
Mark Arnold
Founder and CEO
Mark is an acclaimed speaker and industry expert in branding, training and strategic marketing for businesses, credit unions and community banks.
Shawn Temple
Shawn Temple
Strategy Director
Shawn has served the financial industry since 1996 and specializes in helping leadership teams find clarity and alignment for their organizations.
Laura Loy
Laura Loy
Experience Director
Laura Loy is a skilled leader, with experience managing complex projects and delivering much needed advice at the right time.
Elizabeth Rider
Elizabeth Rider
Chief of Staff
Elizabeth is an accomplished writer, marketer and project manager with a specialty in marrying internal operations to external marketing.
Michelle Arnold
Michelle Arnold
Chief Administration Officer
Michelle is a veteran communications professional with a specialty in education and administration.
Jim Foley
Jim Foley
Brand Director
Jim has provided experience, direction and creative leadership as a brand director to companies of all sizes for more than three decades.
Jeff Kjoller
Jeff Kjoller
Creative Director
Jeff brings extensive expertise in art direction and graphic design, having served a diverse array of clients as creative director for nearly 30 years.
Colleen Cormier
Colleen Cormier
Account Executive
Colleen is an accomplished writer and marketing professional with nearly 20 years of experience in the financial services industry.
Daniel Bradshaw
Daniel Bradshaw
Account Executive
With the heart of a teacher, mind of a student, and soul of a performer, Daniel thrives in finding unexpected solutions for marketing challenges.
Austin Lohnes
Austin Lohnes
Operations Coordinator
Austin is a brand storyteller and specializes in helping financial organizations tell their stories through messaging and unique experience.
Sean Galli
Sean Galli
Marketing Coordinator
Sean is a trained writer, researcher and communicator with a specialty in helping financial organizations craft compelling strategic messaging.
Jonathan Machen
Jonathan Machen
Graphic Designer
Jonathan is a skilled graphic designer, with a keen eye for how to best visually represent financial brands.